Shakugan no Shana Wiki

In the afterwords for his light novels, Yashichirō Takahashi summarizes each book using themes (テーマ?). There are always two themes; a descriptive (描写的?) theme and an essential (内容的?) theme.

A/B Extreme[]

  • Emperor: The descriptive theme is "Action" (アクション?), and the essential theme is "Dreams of reality" (現実の夢?).
  • Mask of Nicolaus: The descriptive theme is "Action" (アクション?), and the essential theme is "Bonds" (?).
  • Dream of Abraxas: The descriptive theme is "Those who see dreams and struggle, and those who live" (夢見て足掻く者、そして生きる者?), and the essential theme is "No matter what" (なにがあっても?).

Shakugan no Shana[]

  • Shakugan no Shana: The descriptive theme is "Cutting, burning, and exploding" (斬って燃えて爆発?), and the essential theme is "What is here now" (いまあるもの?).
  • Shakugan no Shana II: The descriptive theme is "Defeat and counterattack" (敗北と逆襲?), and the essential theme is "Accept" (うけいれる?).
  • Shakugan no Shana III: The descriptive theme is "The clash before the storm, and stopping just before" (嵐の前の激突、および寸止め?), and the essential theme is "From now on" (これから?).
  • Shakugan no Shana IV: The descriptive theme is "Battle battle battle, and after that battle" (戦闘戦闘戦闘のち戦闘?), and the essential theme is "Together" (いっしょに?).
  • Shakugan no Shana V: The descriptive theme is "The girl who was born as a Flame Haze" (フレイムヘイズとして生まれる少女?), and the essential theme is "To be" (そうある?).
  • Shakugan no Shana VI: The descriptive theme is "Can it be said, or not?" (言えるか、言えないか?), and the essential theme is "Choose" (えらぶ?).
  • Shakugan no Shana VII: The descriptive theme is "Conviction and agitation" (確信と動揺?), and the essential theme is "Fear" (こわさ?).
  • Shakugan no Shana VIII: The descriptive theme is "Troubles of the boys and girls" (少年少女の悩み?), and the essential theme is "And yet" (なのに?).
  • Shakugan no Shana IX: The descriptive theme is "The stubborn person's suffering" (強情っぱりの苦悩?), and the essential theme is "Secrets" (かくしごと?).
  • Shakugan no Shana 0: The descriptive theme is "Festivals and omens" (お祭りと予兆?), and the essential theme is "Exterior" (そとがわ?).
  • Shakugan no Shana X: The descriptive theme is "Parting and love" (別離と愛?), and the essential theme is "To live" (いきる?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XI: The descriptive theme is "Conviction and tolerance" (確信と寛容?), and the essential theme is "Able to" (できる?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XII: The descriptive theme is "Attack and crossroads" (襲来と岐路?), and the essential theme is "Here" (ここに?).
  • Shakugan no Shana S: The descriptive theme is "Relations and connections" (関わりと繋がり?), and the essential theme is "Everyone" (だれもが?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XIII: The descriptive theme is "What is brought about" (齎されたもの?), and the essential theme is "Someday" (いつか?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XIV: The descriptive theme is "Desire and means" (願いと方途?), and the essential theme is "Encounter" (めぐりあい?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XV: The descriptive theme is "Wandering and signpost" (彷徨と道標?), and the essential theme is "To grasp" (つかむ?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XVI: The descriptive theme is "Quickening and upheaval" (胎動と激変?), and the essential theme is "In the future" (そのさき?).
  • Shakugan no Shana SII: The descriptive theme is "Smiles and feelings" (笑顔と気持ち?), and the essential theme is "Destiny" (えにし?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XVII: The descriptive theme is "Perception and marching" (覚知と進発?), and the essential theme is "To realize" (きづく?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XVIII: The descriptive theme is "War and enlightenment" (兵乱と開眼?), and the essential theme is "Oneself" (じぶん?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XIX: The descriptive theme is "What was wanted" (欲していたもの?), and the essential theme is "To decide" (きめる?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XX: The descriptive theme is "Victory and defeat" (勝利と敗北?), and the essential theme is "Path" (みち?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XXI: The descriptive theme is "Focusing and battle" (集束と勝負?), and the essential theme is "Unyielding" (ひかず?).
  • Shakugan no Shana XXII: The descriptive theme is "Conclusion and future" (決着と未来?), and the essential theme is "Connect" (つなぐ?).
  • Shakugan no Shana SIII: The descriptive theme is "Despair and hope" (絶望と希望?), and the essential theme is "Thoughts" (おもい?).
  • Shakugan no Shana SIV: The descriptive theme is "Present that continues onward" (先に続く今?), and the essential theme is "What is not understood" (わからないもの?).

Kanae no Hoshi[]

  • Kanae no Hoshi: The descriptive theme is "The power of destiny" (運命の力?), and the essential theme is "Origin" (おこり?).
  • Kanae no Hoshi 2: The descriptive theme is "Point of relations" (関わりの点?), and the essential theme is "Advance" (すすむ?).
  • Kanae no Hoshi 3: The descriptive theme is "What ties the space between" (間を結ぶ者?), and the essential theme is "To see" (みる?).


Series Information
Production Light NovelsManga (Eternal Song) • Anime (DVD Releases)
People Yashichirō Takahashi (ThemesList of Changéríon references)Noizi ItōAyato SasakuraShii KiyaKazuma MikiTakashi WatanabeKow Otani
Related Companies ASCII Media Works/MediaWorksDengeki BunkoJ.C.STAFFGeneon Universal Entertainment
Dubs Geneon Universal EntertainmentFunimation
Translations Viz Media