Shakugan no Shana Wiki

Tuning (調律 Chōritsu?) is the task of restoring land distorted by the appearance of Crimson Denizens and excessive devouring of Power of Existence to its ideal state,[1] and the Unrestricted Spells used for this task. It could also be said that the preparation up until the actual spells' execution is also part of the Tuning. Usually, humans who were born and raised in the area will provide mental images of "the original world as it should have been" for the Tuning; these mental images will be collected and, through the Tuning spells, bring the already-distorted world as close to them as possible.


Flame Haze who specialize in the Tuning are called Tuners. Each Tuners seem to have their own ways to perform the Tuning.

The only Tuner who has made an appearance in the story is Khamsin Nbh'w. In his case, he uses his Treasure Tool, Mekest, along with his multiple Unrestricted Spells: Qadesh's Blood Seal, Qadesh's Blood Pulse and Qadesh's Heart Chamber. Mental images of the original Misaki City are provided by Kazumi Yoshida. Khamsin uses them to level the Distortion, after he and other Flame Haze with Yūji Sakai have thwarted Dantalion's plan to mess up the Tuning.

However, it is revealed during the events leading to the creation of the paradise Xanadu that Tuning a Distortion does not remove it, and should the Tuning be undone with spells such as the Anti-Seal the Distortions can be felt once again, Yoshida Kazumi who had become aware of the flow of the Power of Existence could feel something not being "right" when she took part in the process of activating the Anti-Seal with Lamies.

Yūji Sakai and the Snake of the Festival use the modified Reiji Maigo to tap into all existed distortions at the time, and create Xanadu with the God of Creation's Divine Summoning: Saiki Reisō.

After that, all of this world's distortions have vanished and the Tuning is no longer necessary. Tuners, who have lose their primary mission, plan with Outlaw HQ to establish a research institution to investigate the completely restored Misaki City. This is also to control traffic in and out of the city from both Flame Haze and remaining Denizens.



Unrestricted Spells
Offensive AsterBombDaimonDanzaiDraken's RoarEndanFist of AtenGreat BreakthroughGripen's HowlGuren no KyowanGuren no ŌdachiHienImprovisational Poem of SlaughterInvernaIron Hammer of NesaKnightsLandmineLegionMadder Red Surging WaveRa's Throwing StoneRainbow's Heaven SwordRubble GiantSet's WheelShadow IntrusionShinkuStigmaThunderbolt KickToga
Defensive AlcázarCradle GardenKaikinMagnesia
Utility Anti-SealCity DevourerDisturbance of ExistenceFūzetsuGuren no SōyokuHumanizeIllusionKaze no TenrinKey ThreadLabyrinthosLong-distance CommunicationOlfactory Sense of DesireQadesh's Blood SealQadesh's Heart ChamberRestorationRift CrossingShinpanTatsui no GenTransmission of PerceptionUnrestricted Spell Insignia of ReincarnationWater ManipulationWhole Sacred ChapelYogasa
Miscellaneous Psalm of the Grand OrderPurifying FlameResummoningTuningYarn Ball
Universal GemeindeGrammaticaHardness ConversionMonument StrongholdProvidencePure CoffinReigunRibbonsSabaeru KazeSpecial AbilityTransformationWall of Miasmal Screen
Divine Summoning*
*Not Unrestricted Spells
Saiki Reisō (Black Misudare) • Shōhi Ginsei (White-clothed Tower)• Tenpa Jōsai (Crimson Curtain)
Non-canon Nobiliacum