This is a list of the story arcs featured in the Shakugan no Shana light novel series and its anime adaptation.
Light novel Arcs[]
- Vol 1: Chance Meeting Arc (邂逅編 )[1] (Manga: Friagne Arc (フリアグネ編 )[2]/"Hunter" Friagne Arc (“狩人”フリアグネ編 )[3])
- Vol 2: Disturbance Arc (騒乱編 )[4] (Manga: Margery Arc (マージョリー編 )[5]/"Chanter of Elegies" Arc (『弔詞の詠み手』編 )[3])
- "Aizen Siblings" Arc (“愛染の兄妹”編 )[6]
- Vol 5: Birth Arc (誕生編 )[9]
- Professor Arc (教授編 )[10]
- Vol 8: Presage Arc (兆候編 )[13]
- Vol 9: Struggle Arc (苦闘編 )[14]
- Vol 10: Great War Arc (大戦編 )[15]
- Vol 0, Drama Disk, Reshuffle: Mixed Feelings Arc (雑感編 )[16]
- Pheles Arc (フィレス編 )[17]
- Vol 14: Aggregation Arc (集約編 )[21]
- Vol 15: Solitary Island Arc (孤島編 )[22]
- Vol 16: Blackout Arc (暗転編 )[23]
- Vol 17: Biding Time Arc (雌伏編 )[24]
- Battle of Seireiden Arc (星黎殿攻防編 )[25]
- Final Battle of Misaki City Arc (御崎市決戦編 )[29]
- Vol S: Secret Notes Arc (秘録編 )[32]
- Vol SII: Assistance Arc (補翼編 )[33]
- Vol SIII: Completion Arc (団円編 )[34]
Anime Arcs[]
Seasons 1 and 2[]
Season 1
- "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter" Arc (『炎髪灼眼の討ち手』編 ) - Episodes 01-02
- "Hunter" Arc (“狩人”編 ) - Episodes 03-06
- "Chanter of Elegies" Arc (『弔詞の詠み手』編 ) - Episodes 07-08
- Interval Stories Arc (『狭間の物語』編 ) - Episodes 09-10
- "Aizen Siblings" Arc (“愛染の兄妹”編 ) - Episodes 11-13
- The Girl from Tendōkyū Arc (『天道宮の少女』編 ) - Episodes 14-16
- "Mobilizer of Ceremonial Equipment" Arc (『儀装の駆り手』編 ) - Episodes 17-19
- Bal Masqué Arc ([仮装舞踏会]編 ) - Episodes 20-24
Season 2
- "Village of Jestful Slumber" Arc (“戯睡郷”編 ) - Second Episodes 01-02
- Fumina Konoe Arc (『近衛史菜』編 ) - Second Episodes 03-04
- Interval Stories (II) Arc (『狭間の物語』編 ) - Second Episodes 05-07
- Omens of a Storm Arc (『嵐の前兆』編 ) - Second Episodes 08-11
- "Colorful Wave" Arc (“彩飄”編 ) - Second Episodes 12-15
- Scars from the Storm Arc (『嵐の傷跡』編 ) - Second Episodes 16-18
- "Destructive Blade" Arc (“壊刃”編 ) - Second Episodes 19-21
- Grand Order Arc (『大命』編 ) - Second Episodes 22-24
Miscellaneous Arcs
- New Translation - Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Story (『新訳・炎髪灼眼の物語』編 ) - Shakugan no Shana The Movie[35]
- Digression Story (『余録の物語』編 ) - Shakugan no Shana SP[36]
- Different Sect Stories (『別派の物語』編 ) - Season 1 Shakugan no Shana-tan[37]
- Secret Story (『秘記の物語』編 ) - S OVAs[38][† 1]
- New - Different Sect Stories (『新・別派の物語』編 ) - Season 2 Shakugan no Shana-tan[39][† 2]
Season 1
- "Hunter" Arc (“狩人”編 )
- "Chanter of Elegies" Arc (『弔詞の詠み手』編 )
- "Aizen Siblings" Arc (“愛染の兄妹”編 )
- The Birth of "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyes" Arc (『炎髪灼眼』誕生編 )
- "Mobilizer of Ceremonial Equipment" Arc (『儀装の駆り手』編 )
- Bal Masqué Arc ([仮装舞踏会]編 )
Season 2
- "Village of Jestful Slumber" Arc (“戯睡郷”編 )
- Fumina Konoe Arc (近衛史菜編 )
- Milestone Arc (マイルストーン編 )
- "Colorful Wave" Arc (“彩飄”編 )
- Determination Arc (決意編 )
- "Destructive Blade" Arc (“壊刃”編 )
- "Psalm of the Grand Order" Arc (『大命詩篇』編 )
Anime Shakugan no Shana no Subete/Anime Shakugan no Shana II no Subete[]
"Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter" Arc[]
The "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter" Arc consists of episodes 1 and 2.[40] It adapts part of the first light novel volume.
"Hunter" Arc[]
The "Hunter" Arc consists of episodes 3, 4, 5, and 6.[41] It contains elements of the first and second light novel volumes.
"Chanter of Elegies" Arc[]
The "Chanter of Elegies" Arc consists of episodes 7 and 8.[42] It adapts further parts from the second light novel volume.
Yūji and Shana seek to stop Margery Daw, a vicious Flame Haze seeking to kill the harmless Denizen Lamies.
Interval Stories Arc[]
The Interval Stories Arc consists of episodes 9 and 10.[43] Episode 9 is anime original content, whereas episode 10 has elements from the second light novel volume.
"Aizen Siblings" Arc[]
The "Aizen Siblings" Arc consists of episodes 11, 12, and 13.[44] It adapts the third and fourth light novel volumes.
The Aizen Siblings, Sorath and Tiriel, along with their bodyguard Sydonay, arrive in Misaki City in an attempt to steal Shana's sword, the Nietono no Shana.
The Girl from Tendōkyū Arc[]
The Girl from Tendōkyū Arc consists of episodes 14, 15, and 16.[45] It adapts the fifth light novel volume.
In a flashback, Shana lives on the floating castle Tendōkyū with Wilhelmina Carmel and Shiro, training to become a Flame Haze. The peace is interrupted by Bal Masqué members Vine and Orgon, as well as the rampaging Tenmoku Ikko
"Mobilizer of Ceremonial Equipment" Arc[]
The "Mobilizer of Ceremonial Equipment" Arc consists of episodes 17, 18, and 19.[46] It adapts the sixth and seventh light novel volumes.
Yuji goes to the Misago Festival with Kazumi Yoshida, much to the dismay of Shana. Kazumi finds out about the Crimson Realm, and that Yuji is a Torch, through her interaction with the old Tuner Flame Haze Khamsin Nbh'w. Meanwhile, Dantalion attacks the festival under Bal Masqué's orders.
Bal Masqué Arc[]
The Bal Masqué Arc consists of episodes 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.[47] Episodes 20 and 21 contain elements of the eighth and ninth light novel volumes, but the arc is largely anime original content.
Bal Masqué attempt to create an endless Fountain of Existence using the Reiji Maigo within Yuji and Hecate.
"Village of Jestful Slumber" Arc[]
The "Village of Jestful Slumber" Arc consists of Second episodes 1 and 2.[48] It adapts the PS2 video game.
Yuji once again relives the events that occurred to him over the previous semester, because of a spell cast by Mare, a Denizen after the Reiji Maigo.
Fumina Konoe Arc[]
The Fumina Konoe Arc consists of Second episodes 3 and 4.[49] It is anime original content.
The new transfer student to Class 1-2, Fumina Konoe, as an absolute resemblance to Bal Masqué's Hecate, which has Yuji and Shana on edge. Even more so, Fumina is strangely attached to Yuji, upsetting Shana and Kazumi.
Interval Stories (II) Arc[]
The Interval Stories (II) Arc consists of Second episodes 5, 6, and 7.[50] It is anime original content.
Omens of a Storm Arc[]
The Omens of a Storm Arc consists of Second episodes 8, 9, 10, and 11.[51] Episodes 8 and 9 take elements from the eleventh light novel volume and adapts the side story Milestone. Episode 10 has elements of both the ninth and eleventh volumes, and episode 11 has elements from the eleventh volume.
"Colorful Wave" Arc[]
The "Colorful Wave" Arc consists of Second episodes 12, 13, 14, and 15.[52] Episode 12 adapts the eleventh light novel volume, episodes 13 and 14 adapt the twelfth volume, and episode 15 has parts from the thirteenth volume.
Scars from the Storm Arc[]
The Scars from the Storm Arc consists of Second episodes 16, 17, and 18.[53] Episode 16 contains parts of the thirteenth light novel volume, while episodes 17 and 18 have content from the fourteenth volume.
"Destructive Blade" Arc[]
The "Destructive Blade" Arc consists of Second episodes 19, 20, and 21.[54] It adapts further content from the fourteenth light novel volume.
Yuji is confronted by the Bal Masqué Jaeger Zarovee, who is undetectable to the Flame Haze. When Zarovee and his partner Bifrons, a much greater threat, Sabrac, awaits.
Grand Order Arc[]
The Grand Order Arc consists of Second episodes 22, 23, and 24.[55] Episode 22 has elements from the fourteenth light novel volume, but the arc is mostly anime original content.
At Christmas Eve, Yuji is faced with the decision of choosing between Shana and Kazumi. On this fateful night, Bal Masqué intervene with their own plan.
Season 3[]
Season 3 follows the novels much more closely and anime arc names are not provided, so are assumed to be the same as the novel arcs.
Blackout Arc[]
The Blackout Arc is the arc name for the sixteenth light novel volume.[56] It was adapted with Final episodes 01, 02, 03, and 04.
Yuji disappears from Misaki City, causing everyone to worry. He has made a contract with the Crimson God, Snake of the Festival, becoming the leader of Bal Masqué. Furthermore, Yuji returns to Misaki City, causing shock for the Flame Haze.
Biding Time Arc[]
The Biding Time Arc is the arc name for the seventeenth light novel volume.[57] It was adapted with Final episodes 05, 06, and 07.
Battle of Seireiden Arc[]
The Battle of Seireiden Arc is the arc name for the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth light novel volumes.[58] It was adapted with Final episodes 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.
Final Battle of Misaki City Arc[]
The Final Battle of Misaki City Arc is the arc name for the twenty-first and twenty-second light novel volumes.[59] It was adapted with Final episodes 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24.
As Yuji and Bal Masqué begin the last stages of the Grand Order, they are met with opposition from Shana and the Flame Haze, who are questioning the real purpose of Xanadu.