End of the Aizens IV (愛染の終 IV Aizen no Tsui IV ) is the 63rd chapter of the Shakugan no Shana manga series.
Margery had survived her battle against Sydonay, but was unable to contact Satō and Tanaka and feared the worst.

Margery angry at Marchosias.
Margery woke up in an open space underneath the rubble of the parking lot and surrounding buildings. She lied saying that she thought she would die, but Marchosias knew that before she had taken Sydonay's final attack, she had thrown out a dummy of herself and erased her presence. He was trying to say that Margery would regret constantly fleeing from what was in front of her. Margery felt that she would have no regrets as she had no purpose. Marchosias asked about the Silver, but Margery said she would just wait for it to come of its own accord. Margery tried to use her spell to contact Satō and Tanaka and learn about the situation outside, but there was no response. Marchosias stated that the boys hadn't responded for a while, and Margery began to think that they'd been killed by Sydonay or the siblings. She was angry at Marchosias for not waking her and not answering her.

Margery frustrated.
Marchosias said that it was a result of Margery's own inaction and reminded her of her answers to Tanaka and Satō's questions before, how she didn't feel anything for the Flame Haze mission or for protecting them. Margery was angry at herself for having been foolish, but wanted to believe that the boys were still alive. Marchosias pointed out that they wouldn't leave the Crystal Altar unless ordered, and Margery tried to argue that they could have noticed and escaped a Denizen attack, but the altar didn't display Denizens, so they couldn't have. Margery still didn't want to believe it and would even take the boys' Torches with her, as they had wanted to go with her if she left the city. Marchosias asked about her inaction if she cared for the boys so much, and Margery said she had wanted to rest. She had been a Flame Haze for centuries before her reason to become one was taken away and she couldn't change herself. Marchosias lectured that the way the world worked was that everybody did what they wanted and bore responsibility for their actions.
Margery felt that she had sinned for doing nothing, as this time she had had something to protect rather than destroy. As her flames started to return, Margery decided to start things over again. Marchosias said that she had decided her path before, that she would always stand back up no matter what, and that he had been charmed by that attitude and formed a contract with her because of it. Margery felt her flames return and told Marchosias that even though it was her fault, she would avenge her "cute subordinates" by making the Denizens pay.
Margery wrapped herself in Toga and broke out of the rubble. Satō and Tanaka had been on top of the rubble trying to dig her out, and had fallen down the pile. Marchosias laughed and Margery realized that he had deceived her. Marchosias had said they "hadn't responded for a while", but never said they had died, and they had left the altar when he had told them where Margery was buried. Margery was initially angry, but when the boys showed their concern for her, she began to cry. The boys couldn't see this as she was within Toga, and Marchosias lied to the boys saying she was angry at being defeated and was eager to fight again. Satō and Tanaka ran back to the Crystal Altar. Margery didn't want to give up, as she had people she wanted to protect, and had regained her elegies.

Sydonay thrusting his arm into Yuji.
On the bridge, both Yūji and Sydonay sensed Shana approaching. Yūji's teeth started chattering uncontrollably and his body started shaking. Sydonay realized he had been tricked and rushed at him, his arm plunging into Yūji's stomach.
* denotes if the character debuts in this chapter
- Marchosias
- Margery Daw
- The Silver (mentioned)
- Annaberg* (visualization)
- Friagne (visualization)
- Marianne (visualization)
- Shana (visualization, mentioned)
- Alastor (visualization)
- Keisaku Satō
- Eita Tanaka
- Yūji Sakai
- Sydonay
Powers and Abilities Used[]
Unrestricted Spells[]
- Cradle Garden - Tiriel
- Toga - Margery
- Marchosias: "Honestly, I'm moved by your refusal to give up, my stubborn life-form, Margery Daw."
- Marchosias: "This is what you wanted, my lazy fool, Margery Daw. An empty shell with no regrets? While you were boasting that, this mess happened. You could've done something but you didn't, so this was what happened. What right do you have to complain, and to who?"
- Margery: "Can't I rest and spoil myself a little more!! I've done this for hundreds of years just to have everything suddenly stolen from me, I can't change myself so quickly!"
Marchosias: "Hah, if that was allowed everybody would be happy, and we wouldn't be needed. What "can't be helped" in this world is that you can choose to attack or protect, everybody does what they want and no one can escape from taking care of their own ass. That's how it is." - Margery: "Once again, in the rubble after losing everything, stained in sins and grovelling, I'll start over, right?"
Marchosias: "That's right. You've chosen this a long time ago, you know? A path where, after losing everything, up until now and from now on, you stand back up from a hopeless position. Without giving up and saying "that's enough, this is it". I was charmed by you when you were like that and entrusted my flame to you." - Margery: "I feel like an idiot."
Marchosias: "Will you quit then?"
Margery: "No way, I have something to protect." - Marchosias: "Come, let's sing across this callous world, my unsightly traveler, "Chanter of Elegies" Margery Daw."
Margery: "Yes, I'll let you hear an extraordinarily cruel one, my detestable partner, "Claw and Fangs of Violation" Marchosias."
- Marchosias reminded Margery of her answers to Tanaka and Satō's questions, in chapter 60.