Yūji III (悠二 III ) is the fifteenth chapter of the Shakugan no Shana manga series.
Friagne used another Treasure Tool, Bubble Route, in the battle with Shana, before targeting Yūji.

Friagne using Bubble Route.
Shana halted her advance but was caught in the explosion, which blew Yūji back as well. Shana escaped most of the explosion, which had created a large crater in front of her. Friagne realized that Yūji had seen through his Dance Party, assumed the Treasure Tool inside of him was a rare one which helped him to do so, and laughed. He assumed that that was why Shana kept Yūji close to her. As Shana charged at Friagne again, he summoned more mannequin Rinne. Shana used the surrounding buildings to avoid the mannequins and head directly to Friagne. Friagne flipped the coin in his hand, and the afterimages of its spin formed a chain which he swung at Shana. The chain, Bubble Route, coiled around her sword, and Alastor surmised that it rendered Treasure Tools useless, which Friagne confirmed. Shana rushed at Friagne to stab him, but he had already summoned two mannequins in front of her. He released Bubble Route and fell back, exploding the mannequins with Dance Party. Shana was caught in the blast and was injured.
Friagne exploded more mannequins around Yūji. As Yūji lay on the ground, Friagne appeared before him. As Shana rushed at him, Friagne grabbed Yūji and used him as a shield. Both he and Shana herself were surprised when she stopped her sword from slashing through Yūji. Friagne laughed. He had wanted her to slash through Yūji so that he could take the Treasure Tool inside him, and couldn't believe that a Flame Haze had stopped their attack. He figured he could make use of Yūji and flew away still holding him.

Shana's expression.
Yūji looked back at Shana, who had an expression of regret and anger at stopping. Before, she would have cut through him to get at Friagne, and he felt that he may have changed her. As Shana stood there confused, Friagne challenged her to come to the highest point in the city if she wanted her Mystes back. As he left, Friagne undid the Fūzetsu, then used Dance Party to explode the area around Shana. Yūji screamed as he was taken away.
Powers and Abilities Used[]
Unrestricted Spells[]
- Fūzetsu - Friagne
Treasure Tools[]
- Nietono no Shana - Shana
- Dance Party - Friagne
- Bubble Route - Friagne
- Friagne: "...Fu... kukuku ha... ha! Hahahaha!! Hahahahahahaha! I see! There must be an extremely rare Treasure Tool inside it...!"
- Friagne (to Yūji): "I wonder what's inside?"
- Friagne: "Hahaha! "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter"! If you still wish to fight, if you value this Mystes, come to the highest point of the city!! I'll prepare the greatest stage and be waiting for you!"
- Yūji (thinking): "Shana!? Shana's expression right now... That Shana, who before wouldn't hesitate in cutting through me along with Friagne... stopped the Nietono no Shana. That's right... her expression now is regret and anger at not cutting through us... at stopping her blade... She who has fought as a Flame Haze, did I change her...? Did I... make her face like that...!!?"