Shana III (シャナ III ) is the tenth chapter of the Shakugan no Shana manga series.
Shana was forced to have lunch with classmates, and Yūji's friends questioned his relationship with her.

Yoshida smiling.
An embarrassed Yoshida thanked Shana for what occurred in the Phys Ed. class. Shana said that she had just gotten rid of a nuisance and didn't know why she was being thanked. Yūji invited Yoshida to eat with them, and she accepted. Yūji thought that unlike Shana, Yoshida was more girly. He asked Shana if it was okay for Yoshida to join them and she agreed, albeit rudely. Yūji thought that though they hadn't interacted much, Yoshida was cute. Satō, Tanaka, Ike and Ogata showed up and wanted to join as well.
They all went outside to eat. Ogata, Tanaka and Satō discussed whether Shana had done any sports in middle school to account for her feat of kicking the Phys Ed. teacher, but she said that she hadn't. Ogata in particular had taken a liking to Shana. Shana told Yūji that it was hard to talk to Alastor with everyone around, but he suggested that she interact with others sometimes, which she thought was pointless. Yūji reminded her that she didn't feel bad when she was surrounded by people earlier, but she claimed that she had just been confused. When Ike suggested that Shana should join a school club, Yūji made an excuse that she was very busy after school. Yoshida and the others point out that he knew a lot about Shana. Ogata blurted out that Yūji and Shana had eaten together yesterday, inadvertently revealing Ike, Tanaka and Satō's spying, though the two secretly were already aware of it. Yūji tried to say that he and Shana weren't that close, but the three boys disagreed.
After school, Ike spotted Yoshida looking around the classroom. He told her Yukari had left with Yūji, but from her verbal reaction, he figured out that she was actually looking for Yūji. Ike began to say something to Yoshida.

Shana on the railing.
Walking along Misaki Bridge, Yūji walked past a Torch. He proposed that Shana cooperate with other Flame Haze to fight the powerful Friagne. Shana jumped onto the bridge railing and dismissed the idea. Flame Haze fight for individual reasons and rely on their own strength, so they usually don't band together. Shana explained that she can tell when a Torch had been eaten by its flame, and could sense Friagne if he got close or set up a Fūzetsu. She recounted laughing when she had rushed towards the Fūzetsu that the Rinne had cast and saw a panicking Yūji inside it. Yūji retaliated by telling Shana about the view of her skirt from the ground, and was kicked in the head. Shana said that like Denizens were free to eat, Flame Haze were free to destroy them, but Alastor objected, saying the Flame Haze must protect the balance of both worlds.
Shana then claimed that this city was strange because there were too many Torches to have only been consumed by Friagne. If this many Torches disappeared from one place, there would be a big Distortion, and therefore Friagne was running the risk of being detected by Flame Haze. There was something in the city, or something that Friagne wanted to do in the city. Shana reckoned it had to do with a Treasure Tool. Shana said she would stay at the bridge until nighttime, then she would go to Yūji's house, essentially waiting for Friagne to make a move. Yūji wondered whether someone was getting devoured and was disappearing and being forgotten at that very moment. Shana responded that this was how it had always been, and asked if he was scared knowing the "Truth". Yūji was scared, but relieved as well, and he smiled at Shana. Looking at his smile made Shana feel strange. When he asked why her face was red, she yelled at him. Shana thought to herself that she liked Yūji's smile just now.
From behind a bridge column, Ogata, Satō, Tanaka, Ike and Yoshida were watching the two. Satō and Ogata thought the two were having a date and discussed the choice of the bridge as the location. Ike noticed Yoshida looking depressed.
- Kazumi Yoshida
- Yūji Sakai
- Shana
- Hayato Ike
- Keisaku Satō
- Eita Tanaka
- Matake Ogata
- Phys Ed. teacher (mentioned)
- Alastor
- Friagne (mentioned)
- Marianne (visualization)
- Yūji (thinking): "This is the first time I've seen Yoshida-san's smile. It's soft and girly, a lot different from Shana's... and just what am I comparing?"
- Shana: "When I hurried and rushed in, there was a stupid-looking Torch blubbering. I couldn't help but laugh."
- Yūji: "...Even as we speak, is someone being devoured, or disappearing and being forgotten?"
Shana: "That's right. All over the world and since long ago. This is the "Truth" that you now know. Scared?"
Yūji: "Of course I'm scared, but... somehow I feel relieved." - Shana (whispering): "There's no way I can say it."
Shana (thinking): "That the smile just now was a little nice..."