The Displaced World I (外れた世界 I Hazureta Sekai I ) is the first regular chapter of the Shakugan no Shana manga series.
Yūji Sakai was attacked by two monsters in a frozen field around the shopping district, but was saved by a girl with flaming-hair and burning-eyes.

The monsters noticing Yūji.
At the shopping district, Yūji Sakai watched in shock as a giant baby monster was converting the frozen people around him into flames and devouring them. The baby and its comrade, another monster in the form of a giant ball made of heads, noticed Yūji. They noted that he could move in their Fūzetsu and thought he was an especially rare Mystes that would please their master. The baby grabbed Yūji and tried to eat him when a sword slash severed off the baby's hand and freed him.
Yūji looked up at his savior, a girl with flaming-hair and burning-eyes. The girl's pendant told her that the monsters were not Denizens but Rinne. The angered baby attacked her and the girl retaliated, cutting off its other arm and a leg. The baby then identified the girl by her title from her appearance. Yūji watched as the girl finished off the immobile baby. When the girl looked at him, Yūji thanked her for saving him. However, the girl talked to her pendant and asked if "it" was a Mystes, which the pendant confirmed. To move inside a Fūzetsu, something special must be inside it.
The giant ball of heads tried to attack Yūji, but the girl kicked it away, sending it flying into a building. Scared, Yūji grabbed the girl's coat, but she hit his hand away. Yūji didn't notice the woman who had suddenly appeared behind him. The woman reached for him, but the girl slashed off her arm. The girl goaded the woman, who had tried to grab what was inside Yūji and escape. The woman called the girl by her title, identified her as the Flame Haze of Alastor, and insulted her with the name "Tool of Destruction", but the girl was unfazed. The woman threatened the girl with her master, but the girl said that she would kill her master as well.

Yūji slashed by the girl.
Just as the girl was about to kill the woman, Yūji jumped in the way, surprising them both. The woman took the opportunity to plunge her arm into Yūji. He felt her reaching inside him for something. The girl slashed at the woman, cutting both her and Yūji, and splitting their torsos. Yūji saw a little doll escape form the woman's split torso and float it the air. The girl was about to attack the doll when the pendant warned her of the ball of heads rushing at her from behind. She finished off the heads, accidentally kicking Yūji in the head.

The girl up close to Yūji.
With the doll gone, the girl and the pendant reflected on the doll's talk, and thought that its master was a powerful Lord. While Yūji was groaning from the cut, the two treated him as a nuisance. The girl yelled at him that if he were human, he would have instantly died from the deep wound, and Yūji discovered that he felt no pain. He was surprised when suddenly the girl was close to his face. The girl pushed Yūji's body back together, and after being engulfed in flames, he was fixed. Yūji noticed a small flame inside his body. He asked the girl what she had done, but she ignored him and put her sword away inside her coat.
The pendant talked about how the doll had taken away with it what the other monsters had collected, but was glad that they still had the Mystes, as they could destroy the doll later. The girl pointed upwards and cast a spell. Flames appeared and turned into the people who had been eaten by the monsters. Yūji saw that they had flames inside them, like him, and thought that their flames appeared weak. The girl said that she had finished with the Torches and will use some of them to fix the area. She remarked that the monsters had eaten a lot, and suggested that their master was a big eater. With another spell, the damage to the buildings and road from the battle earlier disappeared and the area returned to normal.

The girl tells Yūji that he's an object.
The girl has finished, and the people around them started moving again. Everything was back to normal except for the flames that were inside people. Yūji wondered why nobody noticed what had happened or the noticed the lights inside of them. He looked up at the girl, who now had black hair instead of red. People started staring at Yūji, for he was sitting on the ground, and he got up, embarrassed. He tried to ask the girl about everything, but was ignored. He reached out for her but she grabbed and twisted his hand, causing him to scream in pain. Annoyed, she asked the pendant if she could erase Yūji. The pendant advised against opening a Mystes, recalling an incident with Tenmoku Ikko, and the girl let Yūji's hand go. The pendant suggested to shut Yūji up by telling him the truth. Yūji objected to them referring to him like an object, when the girl stated that he was not human, but a thing.
* denotes if the character debuts in this chapter
- Yūji Sakai
- Huge Kewpie Rinne*
- Head Ball Rinne*
- Shana* (not named)
- Alastor*
- Marianne*
- Tenmoku Ikko* (mentioned)
Powers and Abilities Used[]
Unrestricted Spells[]
- Fūzetsu - Two Rinne
- Yogasa - The girl
- Torch creation - The girl
- Torch manipulation - The girl
- Restoration - The girl
Treasure Tools[]
- Nietono no Shana - The girl
- Misaki City - Shopping District
- Yūji's narration: "Until that day, that moment, I... had thought that the ordinary life I had lived thus far would last forever... but—— on that day, that moment... my ordinary life all too quickly burnt down... ——no, burnt up. In the sunset that was red like blood, I met
her ——" - The girl: "Capturing you this easily is a bit anticlimactic."
The woman: "Flaming-hair and burning-eyes... Alastor's Flame Haze? You... Tool of Destruction!"
The girl: "Yeah, so what?"
The woman: "My master's not going to take this quietly...!"
The girl: "Hmph. Yes, he'll soon be screaming in agony as he dies, but for the time being let me hear you first." - The girl (to Yūji): "Argh!! Stop making a racket from just being cut!!"
The pendant (to Yūji): "It shows your caliber while you were alive, fool. If you were human, you would have instantly died from that deep wound." - Yūji: "You guys have been saying "this, this"... treating me like an object..."
The girl: "That's right. You're not a person, you're an object."