Shakugan no Shana II Original Soundtrack (灼眼のシャナII オリジナルサウンドトラック Shakugan no Shana II Orijinaru Saundotorakku ) is a soundtrack album containing the background music from the second season of the anime adaptation of Shakugan no Shana. The soundtrack is 61 minutes and 14 seconds long and achieved #203 in the Oricon Weekly Singles charts.
Track list[]
# | Track Name | Length | Audio |
01 | JOINT -TV SIZE- JOINT -TVサイズ- | 1:38 | |
02 | shana II | 2:38 | |
03 | Art du sabre Art of the sabre | 1:52 | |
04 | Tragédie Tragedy | 1:50 | |
05 | Pression Pressure | 1:57 | |
06 | Sérénité Serenity | 1:56 | |
07 | Un jour ordinaire An ordinary day | 1:49 | |
08 | Ferveur Fervor | 1:54 | |
09 | Sincèrement Sincerely | 2:07 | |
10 | Quotidien calme Daily calm | 1:35 | |
11 | Avenir lumineux Luminous future | 1:42 | |
12 | Péripétie Peripeteia | 2:06 | |
13 | Confession | 1:57 | |
14 | Ceux qui ne rentreront plus Those who will not return | 2:20 | |
15 | Déjà vu | 1:57 | |
16 | Force étrange Strange force | 2:16 | |
17 | Différent malgré la ressemblance Different despite the resemblance | 2:06 | |
18 | Rafraîchissement Refreshment | 0:09 | |
19 | Idole Idol | 1:42 | |
20 | Fête d'école School party | 1:37 | |
21 | Poursuite Pursuit | 1:51 | |
22 | Parade | 1:36 | |
23 | Impossible d'exprimer ses sentiments Impossible to express one's feelings | 1:59 | |
24 | Dans un bar In a bar | 2:30 | |
25 | Serment éternel Eternal oath | 2:23 | |
26 | Jours passés Days past | 1:54 | |
27 | Lieu de la bataille décisive Place of the decisive battle | 2:02 | |
28 | Manœuvres secrètes Secret maneuvers | 2:56 | |
29 | La visiteuse The visitor | 1:45 | |
30 | Inévitable destin Inevitable destiny | 1:50 | |
31 | A nouveau Again | 1:48 | |
32 | triangle -TV SIZE- triangle -TVサイズ- | 1:32 |
- Tracks 2-31: composed and arranged by Kow Otani
- Tracks 1 and 32: performed by Mami Kawada
- "Poursuite" is a different track to the one with the same name in Shakugan no Shana Original Soundtrack.