Shakugan no Shana Wiki
Shakugan no Shana Wiki

Qadesh's Blood Seal (カデシュの血印 Kadeshu no Ketsuin?) is an Unrestricted Spell frequently used by the Flame Haze, "Mobilizer of Ceremonial Equipment" Khamsin Nbh'w.


Qadesh's Blood Seal is an Unrestricted Spell Insignia of burning brown flames that is the fulcrum in giving Khamsin the power to control his "Ceremonial Equipment" (Rubble Giant). It is produced from the energy flow that is Qadesh's Blood Pulse.

This insignia which can control carved objects is able to carve and burn surrounding objects, and connects them to Qadesh's Heart Chamber, which was created from Qadesh's Blood Pulse, allowing the Giant to be controlled.



Unrestricted Spells
Offensive AsterBombDaimonDanzaiDraken's RoarEndanFist of AtenGreat BreakthroughGripen's HowlGuren no KyowanGuren no ŌdachiHienImprovisational Poem of SlaughterInvernaIron Hammer of NesaKnightsLandmineLegionMadder Red Surging WaveRa's Throwing StoneRainbow's Heaven SwordRubble GiantSet's WheelShadow IntrusionShinkuStigmaThunderbolt KickToga
Defensive AlcázarCradle GardenKaikinMagnesia
Utility Anti-SealCity DevourerDisturbance of ExistenceFūzetsuGuren no SōyokuHumanizeIllusionKaze no TenrinKey ThreadLabyrinthosLong-distance CommunicationOlfactory Sense of DesireQadesh's Blood SealQadesh's Heart ChamberRestorationRift CrossingShinpanTatsui no GenTransmission of PerceptionUnrestricted Spell Insignia of ReincarnationWater ManipulationWhole Sacred ChapelYogasa
Miscellaneous Psalm of the Grand OrderPurifying FlameResummoningTuningYarn Ball
Universal GemeindeGrammaticaHardness ConversionMonument StrongholdProvidencePure CoffinReigunRibbonsSabaeru KazeSpecial AbilityTransformationWall of Miasmal Screen
Divine Summoning*
*Not Unrestricted Spells
Saiki Reisō (Black Misudare) • Shōhi Ginsei (White-clothed Tower)• Tenpa Jōsai (Crimson Curtain)
Non-canon Nobiliacum