Shakugan no Shana Wiki

This is a list of all the manga illustrated by various artists and featured in the tribute booklet GRIMOIRE.

Self-Published Shakugan no Shana[]

GRIMOIRE Goto cover

Self-Published Shakugan no Shana (私家版 灼眼のシャナ Shikaban Shakugan no Shana?) is a 4-page manga by Yasuyuki Gotō (後藤康有紀?), who is also known as Kōjō Doriyasu (ドリヤス工場?). Gotō is notable for parodying other works with his artwork reminiscent of Shigeru Mizuki. Self-Published Shakugan no Shana aims to be a digest of the beginning of the story for newcomers.

GRIMOIRE Goto Yuji flame

Yūji seeing the flame in his chest.

A high school student, Yūji Sakai, suddenly found the people around him were frozen. He was grabbed by a giant baby monster but was saved by a girl with a sword, who slayed the monster. Yūji tried to thank the girl when a woman crept up behind him. The girl slashed through both Yūji and the woman. A little doll flew out of the woman and escaped. The girl stuck Yūji back together and her talking pendant Alastor said that Yūji was a Mystes. All over the surrounding street were what Yūji thought were Hitodama. The girl explained that they were Torches, replacements for humans who had been eaten by Crimson Denizens and were thus dead, and she also told him that she was a Flame Haze. Yūji found a flame in his chest.

Shakugan no Ja-pan[]

GRIMOIRE Arima cover

Shakugan no Ja-pan (灼眼のジャぱん Shakugan no Japan?) is a 4-page manga by Keitarō Arima (有馬啓太郎?). It contains many references to the baking manga Yakitate!! Japan.

Shana took a bite out of some melonpan and went berserk, beating Yūji. Though Wilhelmina thought it a common occurrence, she restrained Shana with ribbons in an attempt to please the reader with fanservice. Alastor feigned telling Yūji what was wrong with Shana in order to fart in his face. Shana was actually suffering from melonpan deficiency disease and Alastor claimed that the bread was the main energy source for the "Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter". The melonpan available in stores lately had actually been melon-style cream bread, so Shana hadn't been able to find any real melonpan for days. Tanaka, who for some reason was blonde and spoke in Kansai dialect, showed up and used his hands, the legendary Treasure Tool Solar Hands, to twist dough into a snake, with the result looking like poop. Shana didn't accept Tanaka's bread, but later ate a melonpan that he made and returned to normal. Later, a clown Denizen who was eating melonpan was spotted by Wilhelmina.

His Name is Torch-man![]

GRIMOIRE Akai cover

His Name is Torch-man! (奴の名はトーチマン! Yatsu no Na wa Tōchiman!?) is a 4-page manga by Maruborō Akai (赤衣丸歩郎?).

GRIMOIRE Akai inside Yogasa

Yūji inside Yogasa.

When the girl told him that he wasn't a person but an object, Yūji imagined that he was free from societal obligations like paying taxes and could have his way with both the girl and Yoshida without any consequence. However, the girl made him give up those ideas quickly with her sword. The girl, Shana, was a Flame Haze who was clad in Yogasa, a cloak which stores "objects". Since he was an "object", Yūji could go inside Yogasa and he did so, wanting to show the reader what was inside. Though Shana yelled at him to get out, Yūji immediately found some panties. Other things inside included snacks, empty melonpan wrappers, books, newspapers and magazines. As Yūji picked up a weekly women's magazine, with its opening article being about techniques for breast enlargement, Shana plunged her sword into Yogasa.

GRIMOIRE Akai Alastor manifest

Alastor being put inside the underwear and then manifesting.

Later, while Shana was having a shower, Yūji was reprimanded by Alastor. Yūji thought about how Alastor was perceived to be the pendant Cocytus by others and was always put under pillows when Shana was changing, effectively being treated as an "object" as well. Though Alastor often yelled at him, Yūji was grateful that he had an "object" senpai, so he put the Cocytus within his mother's underwear to express his gratitude. Alastor manifested and attacked Yūji, who wished to meet the reader again if he was still alive by then.

7/11 (Tues)[]

7/11 (Tues) (7/11(火)?) is a series of yonkoma over 6 pages by Hai Ran (海藍?). The title refers to July 11, which was in fact exactly three weeks after the release of GRIMOIRE with the second volume of the manga series, on June 20.


Yonkoma 1

1. Paper-Recycling Morning (古紙回収の朝 Koshi Kaishū no Asa?) is the first yonkoma.

In the morning, Yoshida was gathering old books for rubbish collection day when she found her palm reading books. She imagined holding Yūji's hand for palm reading. Yoshida's younger brother Ken walked into the room to help. He was shocked when he saw Yoshida looking at her hands and scolding herself for her "lewd act".


Yonkoma 2 (right) and 3 (left)

2. spring is the second yonkoma.

Ken took the old books outside for collection. As they ate breakfast, Ken wondered what his sister had been doing, while Yoshida was thinking about how to palm read for Yūji without getting embarrassed or being interfered with by Shana. Yoshida blurted out that she would "try it out somewhere at school where no one else would see", further shocking Ken.

3. Every Weekend (毎週末 Maishūmatsu?) is the third yonkoma.

Yoshida caught Yūji outside the classroom during lunchtime and asked him to help her with her palm reading practice. Yūji was reminded of shady fortunetellers in the city business districts.


Yonkoma 4 and 5

4. Day After Tomorrow (あさって Asatte?) is the fourth yonkoma.

Yoshida took Yūji to the school roof, making the excuse that palm reading should be done in bright areas. Yoshida eagerly attempted to begin palm reading, but the hand offered to her was Shana's.

5. Rust ( Sabi?) is the fifth yonkoma.

Shana told Yūji that she had come to the roof to feel the wind. She didn't believe in fortunetelling, but was interested in the statistical aspect of palm reading, so she happily offered her hand to Yoshida.


Yonkoma 6 and 7

6. No Precedent (前例なし Zenrei Nashi?) is the sixth yonkoma.

Yoshida reluctantly took Shana's hand but didn't know how to begin reading it. She told Yūji that like Shana had said, you could learn statistical things from palms. Shana wanted to find out how strong she could become as a Flame Haze, stunning Yoshida and Yūji.

7. 50% (五割 Gowari?) is the seventh yonkoma.

Yoshida saw that one line on Shana's hand was deep, and read that it meant she had a strong will and goes through with everything. Yūji commented that the description was just like Shana, headstrong and stubborn, but then thought that he had said too much. Shana agreed with his statement, but her hair began to turn red.


Yonkoma 8 and 9

8. A Reading for Two-Timing (二股の相 Futamata no Sō?) is the eighth yonkoma.

With Yūji having gone to buy drinks, Shana wanted a fortune for her love life, though she felt weird asking Yoshida about this. Just then, Yūji came back with drinks, hoping it would cheer Shana up, but she was now even more angry.

9. Cormorant ( U?) is the ninth yonkoma.

Yoshida finished explaining to Shana that there were 8 main lines used in palm reading, and Shana thanked her. Yoshida wanted to finally read Yūji's palm but Shana had already grabbed his hand, to Yoshida's dismay.


Yonkoma 10 and 11

10. Shield and Spear (盾と矛 Tate to Hoko?) is the tenth yonkoma.

Yoshida sat on the bench sadly while Yūji and Shana were talking and having fun. She then resolutely joined them to talk more about Shana's fortune.

11. has come is the eleventh and last yonkoma.

At home, Yoshida was watching TV while thinking that it was no good trying to be with Yūji secretly and how she should be more assertive. Ken had spent the whole day thinking about what his sister had said that morning. The special feature on TV was shoulder rubs. Yoshida said that tomorrow she "wouldn't care if she was seen and would be bold", again taken the wrong way by Ken.

Magical Hunter Flame☆Shana[]

A series of yonkoma over 4 pages were produced for GRIMOIRE by Shirō (しろー?).


Yonkoma 1

1. Magical Hunter Flame☆Shana (魔法の討ち手 フレイム☆シャナ Mahō no Uchite Fureimu☆Shana?) is the first yonkoma.

Yūji imagined that Shana was a magical girl. Shana slashed Sydonay in the head as he was trying to get Hecate to wear a kindergarten uniform. As she was destroying all of Friagne's figures, Yūji reflected that Shana being a magical girl hadn't changed anything.

Shana's incantation during her transformation sequence, "Lyrical Pastel Pipiruma Tirakuru Pirirara Étoile" (リリカル パステル ピピルマ ティラクル ピリララ エトワール?), is derived from numerous magical girl anime series; "Lyrical" from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, "Pastel" from Pastel Yumi, the Magic Idol, "Pipiruma" from Magical Princess Minky Momo, "Tirakuru" from Yadamon, "Pirirara" from Ojamajo Doremi, and "Étoile" from Princess Comet.


Yonkoma 2 (right) and 3 (left)

2. Negative Ions Likely (マイナスイオン出てそう Mainasu Ion Detesō?) is the second yonkoma.

Shana transformed into a magical girl through eating melonpan given to her by a plush bear named Alastor (あらすとーる?), who was nicknamed Arapī (あらぴー?). Alastor told Shana that a "Rinrinne" (リンリンネ?) was at Nakamura's house. As Alastor playfully fed Shana melonpan, Yūji was speechless due to the plush bear's voice being that of Masashi Ebara.

3. Tsundere (つんでれ?) is the third yonkoma.

Furio Agune (阿久根振男 Agune Furio?) (27) was usually an unimpressive otaku hikikomori, but his true form was the Pure White Noble, Friagne Mask (純白の貴公子 フリアグネ仮面?), and he was accompanied by his mascot Marianne. He had the power to give souls to his homemade figures to create Rinrinne familiars. Furio showed Marianne his latest work, a figure of a naked woman with big breasts, but she was not impressed and verbally abused him.


Yonkoma 4 and 5

4. If Yūji Was Yūko (もしも悠二が悠子なら Moshimo Yūji ga Yūko nara?) is the fourth yonkoma.

Yūko, a female Yūji, was sent flying by a monster and called Shana for help. The jiggling of Yūko's large breasts annoyed Shana and she kicked a trash can.

5. Or Rather, the Usual Yūji-kyun (むしろやっぱり悠二キュン Mushiro Yappari Yūji-kyun?) is the fifth yonkoma.

Yūji was sent flying by a monster and called Shana for help. With half of Yūji's shirt ripped off, Shana got a nosebleed from being aroused, annoying Alastor.


Yonkoma 6

6. Magical Torch Mystes☆Yūji (魔法のトーチ ミステス☆ユージ Mahō no Tōchi Misutesu☆Yūji?) is the sixth and last yonkoma.

As Shana was having trouble against a monster, Alastor gave Yūji a melonpan. Yūji bit it, turning into a magical boy. Yūji woke up from his dream in a cold sweat. He was later paralyzed at the dining table when faced with melonpan, confusing Shana and his mother.

Yūji's incantation during his transformation sequence, Dōmaki Essaimu Arabinkarabin Chinkarahoi (ドーマキ エッサイム アラビンカラビン チンカラホイ?), is derived from numerous anime series which feature magic or transformations; "Dōmaki" from Madö King Granzört, "Essaimu" from Akuma-kun, "Arabinkarabin" from Yobarete Tobedete! Akubi-chan, and "Chinkarahoi" from Doraemon. Doraemon was referenced heavily in Shakugan no Shanaemon, another manga in GRIMOIRE. The narration during Yūji's transformation sequence is a parody of the narration explaining the biological process behind the transformation of the hero, The Blader, in the TV show Choukou Senshi Changéríon, which Shakugan no Shana author Yashichirō Takahashi often references. This narration was previously paid homage to in chapter two of the second light novel volume and the 24th manga chapter.

Shakugan no Shanaemon[]

Shakugan no Shanaemon (灼眼のシャナえもん?) is a series of yonkoma over 4 pages by Hinata Katagiri (片桐雛太?). It is a parody of Doraemon with Shakugan no Shana characters playing the role of Doraemon characters, such as Yūji as Nobita Nobi, Shana as Doraemon, Yoshida as Shizuka Minamoto, and Wilhelmina as Dorami.

GRIMOIRE Katagiri 1

Yonkoma 1

1. I'm Shanaemon. (ボク、シャナえもん。 Boku, Shanaemon.?) is the first yonkoma. It is named after a Doraemon theme song, Boku Doraemon.

Yūji ran into the room crying and asked Shanaemon for help after being bullied by Satō. Shanaemon refused to help him and asked for melonpan. After he was cut up by her sword, Yūji said he would go buy some for her.

GRIMOIRE Katagiri 2

Yonkoma 2 (right) and 3 (left)

2. Proof of "Emon". (えもんの 証。 Emon no Akashi.?) is the second yonkoma.

Shanaemon had cat ears and a tail. Yūji asked her why she had ears, whereas "emon"s usually didn't. Shanaemon took offense to being thought of as a ripoff and Yūji, who had been stabbed in the head, apologized.

3. Cash on Delivery. (代金 引きかえ。 Daikin Hikikae.?) is the third yonkoma.

A postman delivered a package to Yūji's house, even though he hadn't ordered anything. It was Shanaemon's and the package had to be paid for on delivery. Yūji was made to pay for it by Shanaemon.

GRIMOIRE Katagiri 3

Yonkoma 4 and 5

4. Ism. (イズム。 Izumu.?) is the fourth yonkoma. It refers to the concept of Gianism.

Yūji was angry and watched Shanaemon open the package, which was full of melonpan. Shanaemon said that what's hers was hers and what's Yūji's was also hers. Yūji remarked that she wasn't an "emon" but G*an.

5. A Man's Romance. (男のロマン。 Otoko no Roman.?) is the fifth yonkoma.

Alastor, Shanaemon's 4th dimensional pendant, said he would grant Yūji one wish. Yūji asked for an Any*here Door, imagining Yoshida bathing. Alastor created the door, which actually led to the bathroom where Yoshida was bathing. As Yūji pleaded with Alastor to not read his mind, Shanaemon was getting angry.

GRIMOIRE Katagiri 4

Yonkoma 6

6. Nip-slips Are Good♪ Catching Glimpses Is Also Good♪ (ポロリはいいな♪ チラリもいいな♪ Porori ha īna♪ Chirari mo īna♪?) is the sixth and last yonkoma.

Yoshida was embarrassed and covered in only a towel, but was fine with revealing herself if it was for Yūji. This prompted Shanaemon to begin stripping, and Margery also wanted to join in on the fun. This was all Yūji's imagination and Shanaemon threw her sword into his head as he imagined the three girls naked.

Wilmi (ヴィル美?), Shanaemon's younger sister, suddenly came out of Yūji's desk, shocking him.

Wilhelmina Certified[]

Wilhelmina Certified (ヴィルヘルミナ検定 Viruherumina Kentei?) is a 4-page manga by Rin Sanada (真田鈴?).

In Yūji's yard, Wilhelmina asked Shana if she had done "that training", which she said she had. Wilhelmina tested Shana by blowing away her uniform. Shana held a needle and told Yūji to stand back. In an instant, Shana was wearing a uniform again. Shana was trying to be certified in sewing, an essential skill for a female Flame Haze, as they couldn't be preoccupied with their clothing during battle. Yūji imagined Shana, Wilhelmina and Margery with their clothes shredded, with Dantalion in the background. Shana could tell Yūji was thinking lewd thoughts due to his expression and was upset. Using Nietono no Shana, she slashed all of his clothes off, saying she had cut another worthless object. Shana and Wilhelmina got nosebleeds from seeing Yūji naked. Later, Yūji was forced into sewing training as well as a way of protecting the two Flame Haze.

Shana-chan and Mina-san Go Shopping[]


Shana-chan and Mina-san Go Shopping (シャナちゃんミナさんおかいもの Shana-chan Mina-san Okaimono?) is an 8-page manga by Gaku Tsugano (ツガノガク?).

GRIMOIRE Tsugano Dantalion

Dantalion arriving.

As Shana and Wilhelmina went grocery shopping, Wilhelmina recalled some advice from Kantarō about keeping a diary in regards to raising Shana, with the diary being for Shana's sake as well. Shana led Wilhelmina to a bakery she liked. They were about to enter when Dantalion and Domino appeared behind them. Dantalion had returned to Misaki City to search for interesting Treasure Tools among the collection that Friagne had left behind, and he had found many.

GRIMOIRE Tsugano Shana attack Domino

Shana attacking Domino.

Shana cast a Fūzetsu and prepared for battle. Though Dantalion didn't want to fight, Shana began attacking him due to the bad experience she had had due to him and for interrupting her on her "day off". Dantalion tried to bribe her with Treasure Tools, to no avail. Wilhelmina watched the battle, thinking about what to write regarding Shana in her diary, with Tiamat suggesting "jumps to conclusions" and "holds grudges". Wilhelmina didn't understand how the diary would benefit Shana. Left with no choice, Dantalion brought out his Crystallization of Self-Research, Chef's Paragon. Using Chef's Paragon, Dantalion created the extremely detailed "Professor Quality Product" Excellent Melonpan. Wilhelmina split the melonpan with her ribbons. As Wilhelmina prepared to destroy Dantalion, Shana stopped her and accepted Dantalion's conditions, allowing him to escape in exchange for Chef's Paragon and the melonpan, to Wilhelmina's surprise. Shana thought that with Chef's Paragon, she and Wilhelmina would be able to cook together.

At night, Wilhelmina found herself writing plenty about Shana in her diary. She now knew the meaning behind the writing; by writing happy things in the diary, Wilhelmina wanted to stay with Shana more and more, which was perhaps what Shana wanted. Shana made some melonpan and served it to Yūji, but it was burnt.

Super Hero Glasses-man Ike[]

Super Hero Glasses-man Ike (Super Hero メガネマン池 Super Hero Meganeman Ike?) is a 1-page manga by Shaa (しゃあ?).

Ike imagined himself as a hero protecting Yoshida while having to deal with the Glasses Fairy (メガネ妖精?), the Melon Witch (メロン魔女?) and the three lambs. One day Yoshida gave Ike a present for always being a hero for her. Ike was annoyed to find that the present was glasses but told Yoshida he liked them.


Manga Chef's Paragon
Shakugan Shōjo Shana-chan Entangler of TemptationShoulderer of Reason
Prison of Destruction Instant Flame HazeNobiliacumNotburgaPenemuePrison of DestructionPrison of Destruction IncidentRatzielSyrus Lellis