Shakugan no Shana Wiki

"Fūzetsu and Unrestricted Spell Edition" (封絶と自在法編 Fūzetsu to Jizaihō-hen?) is the third episode of Friagne and Marianne no Naze Nani Shana!. It was released on the third Shakugan no Shana DVD volume.


Marianne mentioned wanting to go to the pool and Friagne got excited at the thought of having a date with her there.

Marianne ignored Friagne and inquired about "Corpse Retriever" Lamies, who the "Flame of Heaven" let get away despite being a Crimson Denizen. Lamies collects Power of Existence by only taking small amounts from Torches on the verge of fading away, as to not incite the Flame Haze. Though they both had an objective they needed to accomplish no matter what, Friagne couldn't imagine himself doing something that dull. He also couldn't imagine any objective more important than being with Marianne. Marianne got Friagne back on the topic of Lamies and he revealed that though few still called him by that name, Lamies was once a brilliant Unrestricted Spell Master known as "Spiral Organ".

Naze Nani Shana 03 Fuuzetsu


The Fūzetsu that is now in common use among Denizens and Flame Haze was one of the Unrestricted Spells Lamies invented. Friagne explained to Marianne that the Fūzetsu was an Unrestricted Spell which cut off the flow of causality between its surroundings and the space inside it. Inside a Fūzetsu, everything except for Denizens and Flame Haze are frozen in place. They are convenient for Denizens, who want to gather the Power of Existence of humans, and also useful for Flame Haze, who want to limit Distortions.

Naze Nani Shana 03 Jizaihou

Unrestricted Spells.

Marianne wasn't sure what Unrestricted Spells were, having not thought about them due to Friagne and the others using them so naturally. Unrestricted Spells are mysterious phenomena Crimson Denizens and Flame Haze cause by manipulating Power of Existence. Unrestricted Spell Insignia are patterns deployed to activate Unrestricted Spells, and the ones using Unrestricted Spells are Unrestricted Spell Masters. Marianne brought up the example of "Chanter of Elegies"'s Insignia, which was seen when she used an Unrestricted Spell to search for Denizens over a vast area, and this earned Marianne praise from Friagne.

Marianne ignored Friagne's praise and asked about Treasure Tools. Though Unrestricted Spells needed to be learnt and mastered to be used, anyone can cause phenomena using a Treasure Tool by simply possessing it. Marianne wanted to hear more but the show was near its end. For Friagne, the time went by quickly because he was having fun.


The following scenes from the main series were shown on the classroom blackboard:


Animated Short Series
Shakugan no Shana-tan Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12Episode 13Episode 14
Naze Nani Shana! Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12Shana and YūjiEpisode 13Episode 14Episode 15Episode 16Episode 17Episode 18Episode 19Episode 20
Other Dengeki Bunko 2007 Movie Festival Special