Shakugan no Shana Wiki
Shakugan no Shana Wiki

Alcázar (アルカサル Arukasaru?) is "Knitter of Thorned Gate" Cecilia Rodrigo's Unrestricted Spell. It is a defensive-type spell which allows Cecilia to strengthen objects by entwining them with her non-substantial leaves and branches.


The leaves and branches created by Alcázar can increase their density and power by devouring the enemy's Flame. They demonstrate their defensive power by forming an invisible cage-like shape to surround the target. Only a stronger power will be able to destroy this untouchable wall, as escape by the earth and sky being futile. Alcázar is very powerful and effective in combat, but requires considerable time to set up.

When Cecilia requests the assistance of Outlaw to defeat Ōnamuchi who is found in the forest of Austria, the Flame Haze of Nietono no Shana is sent to help her. Leaving the Flame Haze to engage her nemesis, she casts the spell to contain both of them. However, Alcázar could only stall Ōnamuchi for a while as he eventually manages to break free from it and continues pursuing her.


  • An Alcázar is a type of castle in Spain and Portugal. "Alcázar" literally means "castle" in Spanish and is derived from "residence of the king" in Arabic.


Unrestricted Spells
Offensive AsterBombDaimonDanzaiDraken's RoarEndanFist of AtenGreat BreakthroughGripen's HowlGuren no KyowanGuren no ŌdachiHienImprovisational Poem of SlaughterInvernaIron Hammer of NesaKnightsLandmineLegionMadder Red Surging WaveRa's Throwing StoneRainbow's Heaven SwordRubble GiantSet's WheelShadow IntrusionShinkuStigmaThunderbolt KickToga
Defensive AlcázarCradle GardenKaikinMagnesia
Utility Anti-SealCity DevourerDisturbance of ExistenceFūzetsuGuren no SōyokuHumanizeIllusionKaze no TenrinKey ThreadLabyrinthosLong-distance CommunicationOlfactory Sense of DesireQadesh's Blood SealQadesh's Heart ChamberRestorationRift CrossingShinpanTatsui no GenTransmission of PerceptionUnrestricted Spell Insignia of ReincarnationWater ManipulationWhole Sacred ChapelYogasa
Miscellaneous Psalm of the Grand OrderPurifying FlameResummoningTuningYarn Ball
Universal GemeindeGrammaticaHardness ConversionMonument StrongholdProvidencePure CoffinReigunRibbonsSabaeru KazeSpecial AbilityTransformationWall of Miasmal Screen
Divine Summoning*
*Not Unrestricted Spells
Saiki Reisō (Black Misudare) • Shōhi Ginsei (White-clothed Tower)• Tenpa Jōsai (Crimson Curtain)
Non-canon Nobiliacum